Tuesday 10
I thought it would be a good idea to start the year with a Tuesday 10. Since that kinda used to be my thing. It will be very all-over-the-place, per usual, as that too is kinda my thing.
Christmas re-cap: we had a great one! Santa brought (AND PUT TOGETHER) an 888 piece Lego train that also included a 679 piece fuel station of some sorts. The fuel station came with a taxi, in which, the passenger was a female with a very sour look on her face. Santa and Santa’s elf couldn’t decide if the sour look was from her terrible ponytail with bad bangs-hairstyle, or her bad clothing that had shimmery stars on it as if she was 10. It might have been though, that she was expected to carry a BROWN briefcase when clearly brown didn’t match her shimmery stars. Santa and Santa’s elf may or may not have gotten into the Lego set just a bit much. It’s still up for debate.
In other Christmas news, my dude made my day whilst bringing me to tears at the same time. With all the excitement of the “super sweet fast choo-choo” Santa brought, he almost forgot about his stocking. As soon as he remembered, he ran over to where they were hung and saw my stocking had nothing in it. He picked it up and turned to me with tears in his eyes and said, “Oh mommy, I’m so so sorry…you have nufing in your stocking….I’m so sorry you didn’t get nufing. When I’m big enough to take myself to da store, I will buy you some-fing for your stocking.”…………………………….cue the tears. This was the saddest yet sweetest thing he could have ever said. The fact that he thought of me like that was all the gift I needed.
Our last bit of Christmas news is that everyone was so super good to us! We had lots of places to go and visit with lots of yummy food!
I’m going from yelling to whispering…shhhhh…..Kaleb hasn’t been sick in a really long time….shhhhh….we are counting our blessings in a quiet yet public manner….thank you Jesus for no croup or asthma…shhhhh….!!!!
A friend of mine gifted me an amazing cranberry wine from St James Winery. I have become obsessed with it. When I found out it was seasonal, I ordered multiple bottles of it and now I’m just obsessed with all things cranberry in general. I even got a manicure the other day and used OPI’s Miami Beet. It’s the perfect shade of cranberry for the New Year.
I’m patiently awaiting the arrival of 2 new littles in my life! I’m getting a new niece (any day now) and one of my close friends is also having a baby girl (any day now). Two new little girls in my life…better get my camera ready! Eap!
Someone tell me about their facial moisturizer that you LOVE but don't spend over $40 on....that I can get at a store, or Amazon.
Has anyone been to Michaels lately?? I'm afraid to say they have outdone Hobby Lobby on DIY party crap. Mylanta they have a ton of cute stuff!! Like all color coded and everything. If you can't pull off a pinteresty party from their party isle then.....well, maybe you just aren't crafty....but seriously, they have made it so simple!!