SO WHAT! Wednesday
I felt like doing a little link up today with Shannon from Life After I Dew. She does a fun post every Wednesday, so if you like this post, go check what she's got to say! This Wednesday, Samantha is saying, SO WHAT! If, *I wear my ear buds while in the car. I'd rather listen to the music I have on my iPod than the shit they play on the radio. *I got black polish on my toes the other day when I got a pedicure. I realize it's spring and I should have on hot pink, I was just in a black mood. *Sometimes I hesitate commenting on someone's status because I don't want a jillion emails and notifications when other folks comment. Ain't nobody got time for that. *I can't tell if Kaleb is saying, "green", "drink", or "rain". I'll just keep guessing words until he nods his head with a smile. *The next update on the blog about Kaleb will be in the middle of the month. I missed months 21 and 22 so that means it'll be a random update. *I immediately tune people out when they start talking about antiques. I'm so anti-old crap. *I know I'll probably end up buying an elliptical machine all the while knowing it'll end up collecting dust in the garage. One can hope. *I'll probably hit the candy isle this week to see if I can find some discounted mini eggs, left over from Easter. This girl can't wait until next year. *I plan to wear long maxi dresses the majority of the summer. I've already bought four different ones and plan to purchase many more. They really are the perfect work/home/church attire. Happy Hump Day Wednesday to you!