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Tuesday 10 {10 Things to Smile About}

You know what happens on the last Tuesday of the month?? 10 things I smiled about in February! Here we go. 1. I was surprised with so much love on Valentine's Day! I got chocolate covered strawberries from a sweet friend, a surprise drop off at my door from a secret person, flowers from my inlaws and dad and lots of other little things. I was feeling the love!

2. Speaking on Valentines Day, Kaleb and I were invited by friends to go to the rodeo so we certainly said YES! I'm always up for a date with my guy. We had so much fun together at the rodeo, I honestly wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way.

3. The Amidon renovation is coming along quite nicely. The floors are complete, paint is dry and furniture has been delivered. As soon as I get some things hung on the wall, I'll be sharing a ton of pictures. Here's my favorite part though...I'm so in love with my accent wall, I can't stop smiling.

4. Right smack dab in the middle of February, this little lady turned 1. She's the one that made me "aunt" and I love her oh so much!

5. February seems to be the month for me to spend some time in the kitchen. I've made several different things, including this wine jelly. The end result is still up in the air but if it passes the test, I'll for sure be sharing the recipe. It was so easy and will make great gifts. Meanwhile, here is the recipe for my mini oreo cheesecake bites.

6. Something else I "made" were these fun treats for Kaleb's Valentine class party. Since the dude loves him some donuts, I thought we'd share the love with the entire class. I bought sprinkled donuts from the local donut shop, bought treat bags from Target and had make the printable. This was seriously so easy and very little work. I heart class parties.

7. One of my biggest smiles from the month was Kaleb's TOT performance. He did so much better than I thought he would. He was in front of so many people in a huge gym, I thought for sure he'd freeze up, but he was great! He and his best bud, Sutton, got out there and showed off their skills. A proud mommy moment fa real!

8. Something I haven't really shared with you yet, but is a very big deal for me...this email/invitation I received last week. Listen To Your Mother show is a place where moms from all over are able to share their story. Ann, from LTYM, met me last summer at BlogHer, heard my story and told me I should definitely apply for an audition for the Austin show. I submitted a blog post a month or so ago and they emailed me with an audition invitation! I was so excited to hear from them! Not only do they want me to read the post I submitted, but they asked that I read an additional one. If all goes well and I make the "team" I'll be filmed in April. This doesn't mean a ton to most of you, but this could be a big, awesome thing for this little blog of mine. I'd really appreciate the prayers and well wishes. My audition is THIS SUNDAY. {insert butterflies here}

9. I guess in prep for the LTYM audition but also because I NEEDED it...I had a pampering hair day. And let's face it, hair day always brings smiles.

10. Although yesterday and today were "ice" days, we've had some exceptionally beautiful days this month. This goes without saying but in case you're new here, I heart the sun and warm weather. Like, HEART. I'm a sun worshiper. Spring is literally right around the corner and that means summer is just right behind it.

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