Tuesday 10
You guys: The Bachelor is about to get goooood. How pumped are you for next week's 2 night episode?! Tiara is about to get what she deserves and I totally started laughing when they showed a preview of her all kinds of jacked up.
Can't. Wait. As for my review of last night's show, my favorite quote of the night had to be when Selma said, "I feel myself getting puffy from the heat." Poor thing. She wasn't "used" to the heat but somehow after she climbed that giant ass rock, her makeup was still in perfect condition and you couldn't see a drop of sweat on her clothes. Funny how that works. I'm so glad he sent Amanda home. How the hell is she a model? She's not cute. At. All. And lastly, poor Sarah. Sending her on a date where they are expected to play roller derby was just wrong. I really felt bad for her but I still feel like she shouldn't have cried. Stop telling America how different you are. I will say this though, she was right in saying she has really bad balance. I'm right there with ya, homegirl. Keepin' it real. So, Tuesday10? 1. I wonder if Channing Tatum ever gets tired of being so effing hot? 2. Outside-of-the-home-working-moms: ever feel like you're actually the babysitter instead of the mom on the weekends? This past weekend was a doozie for me. Nothing I did with Kaleb was right. I literally felt like a babysitter who was new to the job. Please don't let this be the norm. 3. It's absolutely unacceptable for me to be so lazy on Saturdays. I just caaaaan't motivate myself to do anything. Watch out for Sunday's though, I run a tight ship. 4. The DermaWand? Really? Infomercials are always hitting new lows. 5. City of Angels, Sleepless in Seattle, and You've got Mail happened this past weekend. Clearly I was in the mood for Meg Ryan and a lotta love story. Damn I love those movies. 6. Admitting real life here people: not much pisses me off more than my husband wanting to come pick on me and bug me while I'm talking on the phone. Why? Why do they do this? I'm in the spare bedroom, not disturbing anyone or any DVR watching, and he comes in there, lays on the bed with me and starts poking at me and trying to tickle me. Boy, I WILL punch you in the throat if you don't leave me alone. I rarely actually talk on the phone so it's not like he's starved for my attention. 7. Who wants a Bassett Hound? Her name is Molly. She's almost 5 years old. Great with kids. Extremely low key with a lazy personality. She'll eat any and all food that your kid drops at the table. She sleeps about 18 hours out of the day and she will greet you with love when you walk in the door. She may or may not vomit every single night on your newly cleaned carpet and you may or may not spend every morning before work, gagging, while cleaning it up. Who wants her? Not everyone at once. 8. Friday night, Kaleb and I went to the Paro's for a playdate. It's possible that Becca and I were focusing on catching up and visiting, while Kaleb was focused on locking Jory in the dog kennel and pulling every single wipe out of a brand new pack. Jory seemed fairly content watching Kaleb pull out the wipes and didn't seem at all disturbed that she was in the kennel. I have to say, I'm pretty relieved to see that Jory's photo's on Instagram this week, show no signs of her having any long term negative effects from being put in this situation by a fellow toddler. It's also likely that Kaleb barked at her once or twice before we rescued her. He's really into barking these days. 9. How long are pumpkins supposed to last? Not going to name names, but someone still has 2 pumpkins on their front porch along with a very large wooden snowman. Clearly, someone isn't ready for the holidays to be over, or maybe they are just plain lazy. Don't judge. The Amidon's are just busy livin' life, dealing with vomiting dogs, crazy neighbors, and toddlers who are ready to drive their own car. We ain't got time for pumpkin and snowmen nonsense. 10. Ummm how precious is this baby boy, Joshua?!? He was born last week and soon, he will be my Godson. Melt my heart now.

Happy Tuesday, Y'all!